Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

Maths Curriculum


Click here to see our school curriculum intent




watch our Warlingham Windmill Curriculum Video!


Here at Warlingham Village we have adopted an engaging, accessible approach to teaching maths to enable all of our children to be inspired and gain a deep and secure understanding of mathematical concepts.  


It is important for our children to have a positive disposition towards Mathematics to enable them to contribute to the improvement of the perception of Mathematics by society as a whole. We equip our learners with real life practical skills, enabling them to reason logically, solve problems and provide them with the ability to critically think in abstract ways.  


By the time our children reach year 6, they are able to independently and confidently apply the skills they have learnt in different contexts. Maths is taught explicitly, however children discover links within the wider curriculum areas and maths regularly becomes part of the learning in our other curriculum areas.


Our Maths lessons are designed to develop children’s conceptual understanding by drawing their attention to different structures, patterns and connections.  Maths is taught daily, in all classes,  through well thought out and precise lessons that follow microscopic learning steps to allow children to gain a clear understanding of what they are learning. Pupils are taught through whole class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time.  The learning needs of individual children are addressed through the use of effective teacher assessment in class, and lessons are adjusted for the class or specific children based on this.


Children are scaffolded with 1:1 or group work with the class teacher or teaching assistant when necessary. Regular challenge is provided at different points throughout the lesson by the use of star challenges and carefully designed questioning to allow children to apply their understanding in a variety of ways.  The maths curriculum is supported at home with regular maths activities in every year group that reflect the learning in class and the use of online programmes for children to practise their skills using technology. At the end of each lesson, teachers assess the children’s understanding.  This informs next steps and planning for subsequent lessons.  


Throughout their journey at Warlingham Village, our children are inspired to build upon previous learning so that this is successfully transferred into long term memory. Pupils  are confident, enthusiastic and positive about mathematics which enables them to welcome new mathematical challenges.  The knowledge and skills they have gained allow them to use initiative to solve problems in real life situations which gives them a great basis for them to discover more in secondary school.


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Links to pupil resources:

KS2 Ultimate Maths Booster 2019

Timestable Rock Stars

Maths Chase


Links to parent resources:

Calculation policy

Calculation policy VIdeo Links

maths 1

EYFS Number Skills Leaflet

EYFS Shape Space and Measure Leaflet


Maths Fact Mats:

Year 1

Year 2

year 3

year 4

year 5

Year 6

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