Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

English: Reading Curriculum

School Quopte 3

'Reading is like a holiday in your head! I feel like Matilda!'         

                                   -Year 5 pupil

School Quote 4

'I love the adventures reading a book can take you on!'    

-year 6 pupil




Click here to see our school curriculum intent




watch our Warlingham Windmill Curriculum Video



Watch our video to see why we love reading so much!




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By the end of their time with us, pupils are confident readers and spellers who enjoy discovering new and challenging reading matter.  It is our role to ensure that secure phonic knowledge provides them with the skills to access our exciting and varied curriculum. Our goal is to help children become enthusiastic and inquisitive readers who can use their background knowledge to fully understand and enjoy the text they are reading. We ensure that vocabulary is unpicked and cultural references explained so that pupils develop the cultural capital they need to succeed.  SEND and vulnerable children benefit from our stimulating and vibrant phonics scheme as well as an ambitious programme of precision teaching.  This enables them to develop their love of reading alongside efficient decoding skills.

Click on these posters to

see top tips for

reading aloud at home and

why it is so important. 

readit aloud 2 readit aloud 3
readit aloud 4 readit aloud 5 readit aloud 1
6 Capture5
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Scroll to the bottom to watch our video about why we love reading



Links to pupil resources:

100 Books to read before you leave primary school

Epic Reading

Online Reading Games

Top Marks Reading Games

Epic | The Leading Digital Library for Kids | Unlimited Access to 40,000 of the Best Children's Books & Learning Videos (

The Reading Realm App - A huge sleection of extracts that can help children decide if they would like to read the whole book.

top marks


Links to parent resources:

WVPS Reading Workshop PowerPoint

Reading Advice in Year 1   

Reading Advice in Year 2

Reading Advice in Year 3

Reading Advice in Year 4

Reading Advice in Year 5

Reading Advice in Year 6

Books for Topics - A sugggestion of books sorted into different topic areas

Barrington Stokes - Suggestion of books aimed at reluctant readers and that are dyslexia friendly.

Pobble 365 - a new picture everyday with a set of questions to support children in explaining their interpretations.

reading advice


YEAR 1    year 2    year 3

year 4    year 5    year 6


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