Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

English: Spelling, Vocabulary, Punctuation and Grammar Curriculum


Click here to see our school curriculum intent




watch our Warlingham Windmill Curriculum video!


In order to communicate effectively using written language it is essential that spelling, punctuation and grammar are used proficiently.   We aim to create a SPAG curriculum that develops key skills that can be applied to all forms of writing.  We believe that these technical aspects of writing should be taught discretely as well as throughout our English Learning Journeys.  SPAG lessons incorporate chances for pupils to explore grammar and punctuation rules for themselves and sufficient challenge to support and develop greater depth pupils. The learning from SPAG lessons is evidenced and reinforced across the wider curriculum too. The teaching of SPAG starts in EYFS, and this knowledge is built upon throughout the school and timetabled in ways to suit the age and stage of development of the child. SPAG sessions should be lively and pacey with a variety of learning styles catered for.



Pupils are challenged to amend their own errors; discover new vocabulary and are inspired to write using the techniques they have learnt.





Links to Pupil Resources:

Spelling Shed

Year 6 Grammar Revision Game           



Links to Parent Resources:

Glossary of Grammar Terms

Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words





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