Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

RE Curriculum


Click here to see our school curriculum intent


watch our Warlingham Windmill Curriculum video!


At Warlingham Village we believe that Religious Education provides an excellent opportunity to teach, discuss and reflect on living in a multi-cultural society. British Values can be taught through this curriculum area- especially mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. Children can discuss and debate, explore and discover in order to learn more about the world they live in. Our curriculum ensures that religious topics are appropriate to the year group they are being studied and, where possible, have cross-curricular links and fit with class topics. Religious Education provides different opportunities to learn and discuss different religions, which creates wider knowledge and understanding; developing cultural capital.

At Warlingham Village we follow the Surrey syllabus for Religious Education which takes into account that Great Britain is traditionally Christian, while also taking into account the teachings and practices of other principal religions. As well as discrete RE lessons in every year group, topics arise in assemblies and other opportunities are taken for visits out of school and for visitors to come into school. Re is assessed through teacher assessment with evidence taken from pupil books and from participation in class activities to help inform these judgements.

By the end of Year 6
children have
discovered a good understanding of a variety of religions, opinions and beliefs and are inspired to challenge themselves to form their own opinions on a variety of issues. Children have a respect for different beliefs people may have and a strong understanding of how these differences make us all unique and special.


RE 2 RE 3
Re 4 RE5


Links to Pupil Resources:

KS1 BBC Bitesize            


KS2 BBC Bitesize

RE 1


Links to Parent Resources:

Talking About Religion REC



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