Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

English: Phonics Curriculum


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watch our Warlingham Windmill Curriculum Video!


Secure phonic knowledge provides the building blocks for successful reading and writing in Early Years and throughout KS1 and KS2. At the end of Year 1 pupils sit the Phonic Screening test to establish whether they have reached the expected standard.

In September 2020, all teachers and TAs completed accredited Letters & Sounds training. Reading books are organised by phonic phase up to Phase 6 and are fully decodable to ensure children only take home books containing the phonemes they have been taught.  Phonics is taught from Reception to Year 2 in daily 20-minute sessions.   Pupils are grouped by phonic ability to ensure teaching is precisely targeted at a child’s stage of development. Those children with particular needs benefit from being in a smaller group and will receive additional 1-1 precision teaching and pre teaching from adults during the day. 

As well as daily formative assessment, half-termly assessments are used in Year 1 & 2 to ensure no child ‘falls through the gaps’ in phonics.  Provisions are adjusted for the needs of these individuals. Phonics planning is regularly updated to ensure teaching is challenging and inspiring for pupils.  Children who require it, continue to receive phonic teaching in KS2.

By the end of their time with us, pupils are confident readers and spellers who enjoy discovering new and challenging reading matter.  It is our role to ensure that secure phonic knowledge provides them with the skills to access our exciting and varied curriculum to inspire them in the future.

phonics 1 phonics 2
phonics 3 phonics 4


Links to pupil resources:

Phonics Play                                              phonics play


Links to parent resources:

Phoneme articulation video 

Phonics Presentation

WVPS Year 1 Phonics Screening Presentation

Oxford Owl 

Phonics Screening Guide

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