Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

English: Writing Curriculum





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watch our Warlingham Windmill Curriculum Video!


During their time at Warlingham Village, our pupils are continuously developing their writing style. Pupils show a good knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar rules appropriate to their year group. As the children go through the school, their writing skills evolve so they are able to write for an expanding audience and purpose. Children will be able to transfer their skills to successfully communicate in real-life situations with confidence and clarity. We provide our children with writing opportunities that are purposeful and meaningful which empower them to become passionate writers.


We identified that approaches to writing varied within the school and that there was a need for a whole school approach to be embedded. Therefore in September 2020 we adopted The Write Stuff to address this. Use of The Write Stuff supports our SEND and vulnerable pupils by breaking learning into small steps and providing many opportunities to develop oracy and a rich vocabulary.  Regular experience days provide pupils with the cultural capital they need to understand and write in a variety of genres.





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Links to pupil resources:

Fun English Games - games to improve English skills such as debating and writing in different genres.   

Vocab Lab App -helps to deepen children's understanding of vocabulary.

MC Grammar -fun videos to help children understand and remember different elements of grammar.




Links to parent resources:

Bitesize Creative Writing -help with writing in a more organised, infomred way.

Oxford Owl  -fun resources to support children in getting started with story writing.            

Reading rockets - suggestions of acitivities for writing that can be carried out at home.





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